
Auswahl | Vorheriger | Nächster
Kalenderwochen: 14 |15

Lebensmitteltechnologie/Lebensmittelwirtschaft (praxisintegriert dual) 6. Semester       14. Woche 2025

  Montag 31.03. Dienstag 01.04. Mittwoch 02.04. Donnerstag 03.04. Freitag 04.04. Samstag 05.04.
1. 08:00-09:30   ----
LW-PMR Product Innovation and Market Research Seminar S215 Prof. Dr. Kleine-Kalmer
2. 09:45-11:15   ----
LW-PMR Product Innovation and Market Research Seminar S215 Prof. Dr. Kleine-Kalmer
LW-GMA Global Food Markets and international Management Seminar S213 N.N.
3. 11:30-13:00    
LT-FPR Food Processing lecture S213 Prof. Dr. Bosse
LT-FPA Food Packaging lecture S214 Prof. Dr. Frohberg,
4. 13:45-15:15          
5. 15:30-17:00            
6. 17:15-18:45            
7. -            
8. -            
9. -            
10. -            

4-Mär-2025 (Ra)

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